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This essay written for the English 4 Transcendentalism unit discusses the fundamental ideals of transcendentalism and how it's dated core values would not be received well in todays society. 

Together in a team of 15 ACLC studnets, we enter a robotics competition held by Berkely students where we are tasked to design and build a robot. This competition is organized as a game, inwhich the Berkely students design and present to all the competing teams. Over the course of six weeks we design, prototype, build, and compete in the game.

In the duration of my college statistics class we comeplte 3 projects. The first project executed a fairness test on the new quarters by using our own data and applying the hypothesis test to the datat collected. The second project was aimed to see if a randomy die was fair by using the goodness of fit test to see if it was fair or not. The third project was seeing if there was a correlation between squarefottage and pricing of houses locally and then predict the pricing of a two thousand square foot house in our local market using the analyzed data.

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